Today we have 250,406 Bulgarian properties for sale and rent. Help Center:   

   Doing a search on is promptly, easy and very convenient. Simply type one or more search words or phrases that best describe the properties/ estates you want to find more information about into the search box and hit the 'Enter' key or click on the Search button. In response, Bulgarian-Offers produces results pages: a list of estate offers related to your search terms, with the most relevant offers appearing first, then the next, and so on.

Here are some basic tips to help you maximize the effectiveness of your search:

Choosing search terms
   Choosing the right search terms is the key to finding the property you need. Start with the obvious – if you're looking for general information on the properties in Sofia, type 'Sofia' in the search box. But it's often advisable to use multiple search terms; if you're looking for an apartment in Sofia, you'll do better with 'Sofia apartments' than with either 'apartments' or 'Sofia' by themselves.

Search fields available on are as follows:
In order to search on sufficiently specific search terms and hence Bulgarian-Offers to probably deliver better results on your search, here are the available search fields:
'Type of ads': Choose between 'for Sale' or 'for Rent'
'Location': Various criteria for: City name, Village name, Quarter name, Street address etc.
'Property type': Apartment, House, Land, Villa, Office, Hotel, etc.
'General': When typing a search phrase/s in this field, Bulgarian-Offers does a search on all of its properties database
'Price': Determine price ranges for the search criteria according to the currency chosen
'Area': Determine square meter area ranges for the searched properties
'Properties in selected language': When this checkbox is ticked, the system returns results list in the chosen language only

Modifications of the search criteria available on Bulgarian-Offers:

"AND" queries: (+)
   By default, Bulgarian-Offers returns properties offers that include all of your search terms. There is no need to include "+" between terms. To restrict a search further, just include more terms. For example, to find an apartment in the downtown of Sofia City, simply type "Sofia downtown".

"OR" queries: (_)
   Bulgarian-Offers returns results list that matches at least one of the entered search criteria. For example, if you are searching for properties in Sofia or in Plovdiv, the search criteria that will generate the result list that best fits to your request is "_Sofia _Plovdiv".

Negative terms: (-)
   Bulgarian-Offers ensures the users the possibility to exclude particular criteria from the search results list. In order to achieve this – just type "-" (minus sign) in front of the criterion you need to exclude. For example, here's how you'd find pages about properties in Bourgas area, but not in Nessebar area "Bourgas -Nessebar".
Note: when you include a negative term in your search, be sure to include a space before the minus sign.

Phrase searches: (" or ')
   Sometimes you'll only want results that include an exact phrase. In this case, simply put quotation marks or apostrophe marks around your search terms. For example, to find a property in Sunny Beach or Golden Sands, just type 'Sunny Beach' or "Golden Sands" in the location search box.

Search by web address/ Web address based search: (site:)
   Bulgarian-Offers allows you to restrict the result pages on your search criteria per particular web address. Here is the search criteria you should type into the General Search Box so you’d find all property offers for apartments published on : "Apartment site:".

   Bulgarian-Offers search is NOT case sensitive. All letters, regardless of how you type them, will be understood as typed in the same case. For example, searches for BANSKO, Bansko, and bansko will all return the same results.

Search Examples:
   You may find a couple of helpful search tips listed below:

'Type of ads' field value: for Sale
'Location' field value:
Result: Properties in Sofia city center
'Type of ads' field value: for Sale
'Location' field value:
Properties in Sofia, area 'Geo Milev'
Phrase searches used ('Geo Milev')
'Type of ads' field value: for Sale
'Location' field value:
'Property type' field value:
Result: Apartments in ski resort of Bansko
'Type of ads' field value: for Sale
'Location' field value:
'Property type' field value:
'General' field value:
Result: Apartments in black sea resort of Sunny Beach with a pool
'Type of ads' field value: for Sale
'Location' field value:
'Property type' field value:
Houses or Villas in area of Varna or Bourgas
"OR" query used ('_Varna _Burgas _Bourgas', '_House _Villa')
'Type of ads' field value: for Sale
'Property type' field value:
'General' field value:
Houses or Villas in Mountain area
"OR" query used ('_House _Villa')
'Type of ads' field value: for Sale
'Location' field value:
'General' field value:
Properties in town of Plovdiv, from list of offers
"Search by web address" query used ('site:""')
'Type of ads' field value: for Sale
'Location' field value:
Properties in city of Sofia, except these in city center
"Negative terms" query used ('-Center -Centre')
About Bulgarian Offers