For sale Plant, Sofia Region, near Svoge, 1104 sq.m,
€ 165 000
...about 40 km from the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. It has a common border with ...all year-round by an asphalt road. It is Former administrative building. Accents:only ...the offer Good! For sale Plant, Sofia Region, near Svoge, 1104 sq.m, ...offer Good! For sale Plant, Sofia Region, near Svoge, 1104 sq.m, ...about 40 km from the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. It has a common border with ...20km away from the capital Sofia Mountain Region All-year-round access Additional info:When ... For sale Plant, Sofia Region, near Svoge, 1104 sq.m, € ...present you a solid construction Location: Svoge municipality covers an area of 866 sq. km ...sale Plant, Sofia Region, near Svoge, 1104 sq.m, € 165 000 ...Svoge municipality covers an area of 866 sq. km in west Bulgaria. It is situated around ...you a solid construction Location: Svoge municipality covers an area of 866 sq. k